Keep Students Engaged the First Week of School

 Aw, back to school time. The joy of meeting your students for the first time! 

Learning names
Making new friends
Excited students
Creating a school family
Practicing routines and procedures

Then reality sets in....

Labeling all the supplies
Putting away all the supplies
Getting to lunch on time
Remember to go to Related Arts (Specials)
Assessing all the students, usually one on one


How do I get it all done while keeping the students engaged and on task? 

The activities you do that first week should be review work so the students can complete it independently. My Digital Counting Puzzles review counting skills including 1 to 5, 1 to 10, and 1 to 20 using common school photos as the finished puzzle. Assign via Google Classroom of your learning management system. Students will complete the puzzles by dragging and dropping the numbers in the correct order. 

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