Good evening, it is time to link up with Mrs. Wills for a Peek at my Week. I apologize for missing last week. I was out of town spending the weekend with my grandmother. It was a wonderful weekend and blogging was put on hold for a time.  This is week 5. We are learning about apples. This week we will be reading fictional stories about apple trees and apples. We are working on Concepts of print and word tracking. We will use my Concept of Prints Emergent Reader for apples. The booklets have dots on the words for the students to practice work tracking.  We are adding our first vowel to our letter knowledge this week. We will learn both the long and the short sound of Aa. We will use letter tiles for M, T, S, P, & A to create words and learn how to sound out words.  In math we will be working on the numbers 3 & 4. Our school is working on number sense in all grades this year. I am focusing and a number for two days. We will count the num......
I did a quick demonstration of Augmented Reality this morning. I am using the AR Flashcards Alphabet app. The app and Flashcards are free and they work on my older devices. I only got to play around with a couple kids, but they had a blast. This will definitely be a center for a while. ...
Another week is upon us. I tried to plan on Sunday, but the sun was shining and the pool was calling my name. I am on week 3 of school and we are learning about Colors and my 2nd favorite color book; Brown Bear, Brown Bear. (Next week is my favorite color book) We are reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear all week. We are working on Concepts of print, by the end of the week I am hoping to have several who can touch the words as I read. I have a felt board set we will use for retelling as well. We are learning about the author and illustrator this week, the person's name and their job.  We will practice word tracking with my Concepts of Print booklets, the school version this week.  We will also be learning our color words. We will sort all types of objects by their color. We will match colors and color words. We are still working on name the letters in our name, finding our names, and writing them beautifully. We are going to do a letter hunt on Thursday around t......
I was inspired by Greg Smedley's post about Number Recognition here . A simple, yet effective activity. Why not do the same thing for letter? I have a few kiddos who do not know the letter names. I realized that Greg's technique for numbers will work just as well.  **Who I am kidding, I am 'stealing' the idea. After all, the best teachers Beg, Borrow, and "Steal" ideas.** I focus on two letters a week until they are all taught and reviewed. I do 4 consonants than a vowel and word families. My class is 85% second language learners, so everyone can use a little more practice with letters and sounds and vocabulary. I made a letter mat for each group of 4 letters and one with all the vowels. The letter mats are made to be printed on Legal sized paper. Of course with a PDF you can select Fit or Shrink Oversized Pages to print on letter sized paper.  The letter cards are made to be printed on letter sized paper. I made th......
I have been impatiently waiting for today. I have been back at school since 8/24. I finally get to share my room. Thank you to Ashley and Angie for hosting the 2getherwearebetter linkup with all the reveals. So here goes nothing!!  I have a wall on either side of my door that I can decorate and use for student work. WELCOME to my area. The canvas next to my door is my motto "Keep Calm and Don't Forget to Play."  Open the door and come on in.  This is the view from the doorway. I still have a kitchen, blocks and other 'language' development materials in my room. The table to the right is our writing center. Continuing on a 360° tour of our room.  I have 6 desktops in my room. Wait, though, I am a 1:1 technology classroom. There's more. I use the space above the computers for colors and shapes.  My room is a rectangle, so I have a long space across the front of the room. Here you find our number posters, a sensory bin with a Pocket Char......