The best way to accomplish these goals is with daily practice and multiple exposures to each number. I have seen some great examples of number sense posters on various teaching blogs. But none of them fit my needs.
This year I set out to create my own. I decided what I wanted on the poster; the numeral, number word, 10 frame, a place for combinations, what comes before and after, and if possible, a place for dot patterns. I created the poster pieces, printed it, and created the poster you see below.
I am loving how it all came together. The kids are involved as I add the pieces and information to the poster each day. I use the 10 Frame to create the number sentences. I ask three questions:
"How many do you see?" I get a choral response, then I remove some dots.
"How many do you see?" I pick one student to answer. I write that number in the Number sentences box.
"How many are in my hand?" I pick another student, then finish the number sentence and say "Correct, because X + Y = Z" I do this three times. Why three? That is all the room I have in the box. :)
I hope you find the number poster helpful. Check it out by clicking on the picture or going to my TPT store. Feel free to ask any questions about the product or how I use it in my classroom.
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