Epic! Books, a Teachers Vast Library of Books

Answer these questions to see if you need to be using Epic! Books in your classroom.

Are you a teacher?
Do you have students who need books to read?
Do you have a limited classroom library?
Do you have students who need to listen to books to hear fluent reading?
Do you have students interested in Dinosaurs but you only have fiction books?
Do you have students who are reading above the level you have in your classroom?
Do you have students who are learning English and need to listen to books in the French, Spanish or Chinese?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Epic! Books is for you. And the best part, Epic! is FREE for educators. Simply go to getepic.com, click EDUCATORS and sign up.

Now that you have an account, it is time to create some collections. Collections are groups of books that you have put together. Collections can be assigned to one, two, or all of your students. 

Simply find a book you like, click on the heart, Add to, click Collection

 You can add it to an existing collection, or create a new collection. 

Give it a name and brief description and you are ready to assign it to a student profile. You can add to All Students, or select just a few, and then click Assign. 

The next time the student logs into Epic! they get notified they have a new collection with the number on the mailbox. Students can also find their collections later by clicking on the mailbox. 

You can also assign collections from you library. Click on the heart My Library and pick collections. A list of all your collections will be displayed. Once here, you click on Assign and follow the same steps as above. 

Epic! has many more features that I will share periodically. But for now, check them out. Click the first photo or the link below, Get Epic! Books and share them with your students.

Get Epic! Books

1 comment

Kerry Schultz said...

Firstly, I would have to commend you on your colourful and interactive website and I will as a teacher and on your recommendation I will surely buy these books.